If you have any questions about Apple Software Updates including all of the latest updates of Apple software, including most printer drivers, System Enablers, updates to utilities, and networking and communication software. Currently, Apple Assistance posts Apple Software Updates to the following online services:
1) Internet: Apple World Wide Web and ftp sites: http://www.info.apple.com
2) ftp URL: ftp://ftp.info.apple.com
3) America Online (keyword: applecomputer)
Internet: Apple Web Sites
All Apple software updates are posted to ftp servers, but you can also get to the software updates collections from one of Apple's web sites:
- http://www.apple.com/support - Apple Support Information - Apple's USA based web site. Choose Apple SW Updates from the pull-down menu to go to the Apple software updates collection, where you can browse for, search for, and download all US and Worldwide Apple SW Updates. Here are a few handy urls:
- http://www.info.apple.com/ftp.newfiles.html -- list of newly posted Apple software updates.
- http://swupdates.info.apple.com/Architext/AT-SWupdates_USquery.html -- Search page for US Apple software updates.
- http://swupdates.info.apple.com/Architext/AT-SWupdates_Worldquery.html -- Search page for Worldwide (localized) Apple software updates.
http://swupdates.info.apple.com/cgi-bin/lister.pl?Apple.Support.Area/Apple.Software.Updates -- Browsing page for all Apple software updates.
Internet: Apple ftp Sites
You can use either an ftp client (such as Fetch or Anarchie) or a web browser to go our ftp sites directly:
- ftp.info.apple.com (multiple servers, handles 15,000 concurrent users -- located in Austin, TeXus USA) When using a web browser, use the following url: ftp://ftp.info.apple.com.
- ftp.apple.com (multiple servers, handles 1000 concurrent users - located in Cupertino, CA USA) When using a web browser, use the following url: ftp://ftp.apple.com.
- ftp.info.euro.apple.com (one server, handles 250 concurrent users -- located in Zeist, The Netherlands) When using a web browser, use the following url: ftp://ftp.info.euro.apple.com. - recommend for the UK.